Custom React isVisible Hook

Custom React isVisible Hook


Recently I refactored my portfolio using Gatsby, and in the process discovered the power of using custom React Hooks. I have never loved the HOC and

Vanilla JS Modal in ~30 lines of JS

Vanilla JS Modal in ~30 lines of JS


I recently refactored some old code for my portfolio site and was in disbelief how bad the code was. It was 187 lines of repeating hard-coded jquery

Labs Week Three Retrospective

Labs Week Three Retrospective


During week three of labs my team and I made great progress on our project. We had a very informative meeting with a UX engineer that had some great

Labs Week Two Retrospective

Labs Week Two Retrospective


Over the course of this sprint I integrated Google oAuth using Passport.js to create a user in our Postgres database, and authenticate them for acces

Labs Week One Retrospective

Labs Week One Retrospective


During the course of this sprint, my team and I planned out the features we wanted to add to our project, as well as the database model and technolog

Upload React App to a relative domain path

Upload React App to a relative domain path


Recently I finished my React Instagram clone project for Lambda School and wanted to share my project on my domain. I could not figure out how to get

Simple Fullscreen Spinner

Simple Fullscreen Spinner


Here is a very simple fullscreen spinner that fades out on your site load, and improves the UX of your site. I am using jQuery, but this can also be

Close BootStrap nav menu after click

Close BootStrap nav menu after click


I found an interesting snippet on StackOverflow a while back when I was trying to find a solution to close a bootstrap mobile nav after a click. I’m

Simple Full Screen landing page with image overlay

Simple Full Screen landing page with image overlay


Simple beautiful landing page with 4 lines of HTML, and ~20 lines of CSS. ```html <div class="fullscreen-image"> <h1 class="landing-h1">Lorem Ipsu

My First Post

My First Post


Decided to make a blog to practice making custom WordPress layouts. I’m not sure how much I will actually use this, but I do feel like it benefited m